Hi, I am Ashley!

I'm a recovering perfectionist and self-loather who is sarcastic, goofy and passionate. I am a woman who loves to laugh, play, travel, do yoga and is committed to living a life of purpose in serving others.

For the longest time, I thought the only way to be happy was by being perfect. I tried to have everything in my life lined up perfectly so that nothing would go wrong. But when it did, I decided it meant that all of my hard work wasn't enough, so I would emotionally beat myself up or blame others. It was a vicious cycle: The more pressure I put on myself to be perfect, the less productive and motivated I became, which meant that I wasn't moving forward.

I finally realized that this wasn't working for me anymore. I just decided one day that enough was enough- It was time for me to take control of my life and do whatever it took to change it. I realized that the only way to feel free and happy was to accept myself exactly as I am—no more, no less. By doing the deep work on myself, my whole world changed!

I used to be scared of people seeing me for who I really am, but now it feels liberating. It feels good to be able to laugh at myself when something stupid happens and to be silly, because it reminds me that life isn't perfect—you just have to make do with what you've got and accept your imperfections.

I believe that the way you think about yourself is the most important factor in determining your happiness and success—and that when you understand these things, you can change them. I know it's not an easy thing to do—but it's worth it. Because when you love yourself, you make your own happiness. You become confident in your abilities and proud of who you are. You live a life full of joy and excitement, rather than fear and self-doubt.

As a therapist for 20 years, I have worked with people on improving their self-esteem, reframing negative self-talk and understanding the root of their core beliefs. With my expertise being in Cognitive-Behavioral-Therapy (CBT), I have a deep understanding of how thoughts, behaviors and feelings are intertwined. My background in this field provides me with the skills to help people create shifts in their mindset and behaviors by helping them understand themselves better so they can change their lives for the better as well!

By learning to love myself, everything else just started to fall into place. I began to feel more confident and empowered than ever before and I knew I had found my purpose in helping others find their inner power too. Because we all deserve to feel like this every single day.

Ashley’s way of looking at things is so eye-opening. She has a passion for helping women see their true colors. The resources she provides are helpful in changing mindset in all aspects of life, from challenges in your career to letting go of fear in relationships and dating. She shows you ways to manifest what you want and let go of the self-doubt from past traumas that might be holding you back.

You’ll be amazed at what you attract after you start loving who you are.

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